City of Margaret Meeting Minutes 5/2/2023 with Updates in Red

City of Margaret

May 02, 2023 6:00 P.M.

 In attendance:         Councilman James Chapman, Councilman Matthew Tortorice, Councilman Jonathan Ray, Mayor Pro-Tern Daryl McIntyre, and Mayor Isaac Howard

Absent: Councilman Darius Crump

Prayer: Clyde Beverly

Pledge of Alliance

 The meeting was called to order


Councilman James Chapman made a Motion to approve Council Meeting minutes from 3-7-2023 as written by City Clerk. Mayor Pro-Tem Daryl McIntyre seconded the Motion. The Motion passed by majority. Three yes and two no.

 Councilman James Chapman made a Motion to approve Council Meeting minutes from 4-4-2023 as written by City Clerk. Mayor Pro-Tem Daryl McIntyre seconded the Motion. The Motion passed by majority. Three yes and two no.

 Councilman Matthew Tortorice made the Motion to allot $5000.00 for the RPCGB to redistrict lines for the City of Margaret. The Motion died from lack of second. Mayor Howard stated that this is going to have to be done, he has checked with a couple of different ones and could not find another one. Councilman Tortorice noted that the County Commission recommended Brett Isom with the RPC. Councilman Ray seconded the motion. Councilman Tortorice noted that the city not having redistricted is a Constitutional and Civil Rights Violation. Councilman Tortorice and Councilman Ray voted for the motion. Councilman Chapman, Mayor Pro-Tem McIntyre and Mayor Howard Voted against the motion.

 Councilman Matthew Tortorice tabled RPCGB drawing up a five-year plan for the City of Margaret to promote growth until 5-16-2023.

 Councilman Matthew Tortorice presented a PowerPoint on the need for a forensic audit. Councilman Tortorice asked to get the remotes to present, and Mayor Howard said he could this time. Mayor Howard allowed Clyde Beverly to interject his objection to allowing Councilman Tortorice to present about a forensic audit when we still dont have a summary page from the annual audit.

Councilman Tortorice explained Council Responsibilities. Councilman Chapman and Mayor Pro-Tem McIntyre proceeded to get up and leave the room. Councilman Tortorice explained why he was calling for the audit revealing that the city has issued Bonds twice for the same reason, to build a new city hall, and that Mayor Howard told him that the funds for the first Bond were misappropriated. Councilman Tortorice submitted a FOIA request to find out where the money from the 2009 Bond was misappropriated.

 Mayor Howard said we were tabling the Sewer Reports stating that Bob Terrell was going to come and explain to us

 Mr. Barker presented the Council with road repair quotes.

 Councilman James Chapman made a Motion to completely pave Ida St. (Ragsdale driveway) starting from Joyce St. using estimate 23-28194 and

allotting up to $15,000.00. And this project will be paid for by Public Works Department. Mayor Pro-Tem Daryl McIntyre seconded the Motion. The Motion passed unanimously.

 Councilman James Chapman made the Motion to pave Levine Rd and widen it 18′ from Scenic Crest using estimate 23-28194 for up to

$30,000.00. Mayor Pro-Tem Daryl McIntyre seconded the Motion. The Motion passed unanimously.

 Councilman Matthew Tortorice made the Motion to pave Woodland Cir from the city hall using estimate 23-18191 for up to $50,000.00.

Councilman James Chapman seconded the Motion. The Motion passed unanimously.

 Councilman Jonathan Ray made the Motion to pave Turkey Trail 850’x20′ using estimate 23-28203 for up to and not to exceed $30,000.00.

Councilman James Chapman seconded the Motion. The Motion passed unanimously.

 Councilman Jonathan Ray made the Motion to pave Rock Crest 1725’x20′ using estimate 23-28203 for up to $40,000.00. Councilman James Chapman seconded the Motion. The Motion passed unanimously.

 Councilman Jonathan Ray made the Motion to pave Cedar Crest 10’x12′ using the estimate 23-28203 for up to$3000.00. Councilman Matthew Tortorice seconded the Motion. The Motion passed unanimously.

 Councilman Matthew Tortorice made the Motion to pave Everett Way 225’x20′ using the estimate 23-28203 for up to $8750.00. Councilman Jonathan Ray seconded the Motion. The Motion passed unanimously.

 Charles Pendley offered to sell the City 5 lots of his land/or $225,000.00. Two lots will be across the street from the city hall, and the other three will be on the hill beside the city hall. Mr. Pendley will also be willing to finance the land sale with no penalty for an early payoff. Councilman Jonathan Ray made the Motion to spend $225,000.00 from the City’s General Fund to purchase the land from Mr. Pendley. Mayor Pro-Tem Daryl McIntyre seconded the Motion. The Motion passed unanimously.

 Councilman James Chapman made the Motion to approve Council Meeting minutes from 4-4-2023 as written by the City Clerk. Mayor Pro­ Tem Daryl McIntyre seconded the Motion. The Motion passed by majority. Three yes and one no, Councilman Jonathan Ray abstaining due to his absence from the meeting.

 Stephen Henry proposed to the Council to make memorials for all military branches at Dillard Park.

 Mayor Isaac Howard asked for any more comments:

Councilman James Chapman no

 Councilman Mayor Pro-Tem Daryl McIntyre no 

Clyde Beverly asked the Mayor and Council two questions:

 Does the Mayor and Council believe the City of Margaret needs a comprehensive economic development plan? Yes

  1. Does the Mayor and Council support an economic development comprehensive plan for the City of Margaret? Yes – 1:38:28

 Chief David Parrish has nothing

 Inspector Barker asked if the city has taken ownership of Lakeside Drive. A developer is building a home there and asked if it was a city street and if he is responsible for any damages over the impact fee of $1,500. Erskine stated that if the builder damages the road he has to pay for it and the impact fee is not used to repair damages the builder makes.

 Chief Fields would like the Council to look into Air BNB’s

 Chief Fields is still researching the bulletproof vest dilemma He has found 3 of them, but others are outdated. Councilman Chapman stated that we need to launch an investigation on the missing vests because they constitute a felony.

 Councilman Jonathan Ray requested a monthly police report from Interim Chief Fields.

 Councilman Matthew Tortorice presented another PowerPoint presentation on What Budgets are and How Budgets are created.

 Councilman Tortorice presented Census results comparing Margaret to other cities in St Clair County.

 Councilman Tortorice presented that the City has one person running 4 departments, 3 of which require 24/7 coverage. Based on this Councilman Tortorice suggested that we post for a Full Time Fire Chief, Full Time Public Works Manager and a Utility SuperIntendent, and that we could add two jobs under the Utilities for Water and Sewer.


Councilman Chapman discussed a tree that is rotting out on Levine Road.


Councilman James Chapman made a Motion to adjourn. Mayor Pro-Tem Daryl McIntyre seconded the Motion.


The meeting adjourned at 8:03 PM.

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